
Creating Confident Children


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Parents Orientation Program

KG Teachers and Staff

[dt_sc_team teamstyle=”type2″ name=”Dorothy Sanchez” role=”KG Teacher” image=”7931″ facebook=”#” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”]Discussion about the latest trends in the web and app design[/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team teamstyle=”type2″ name=”Charles Turner” role=”KG Teacher” image=”8036″ facebook=”#” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#”]Discussion about the latest trends in the web and app design[/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team teamstyle=”type2″ name=”Henry Foster” role=”Child Psychologist” image=”7964″ facebook=”#” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#” class=”alter”]Discussion about the latest trends in the web and app design[/dt_sc_team]
[dt_sc_team teamstyle=”type2″ name=”Janet Sanders” role=”Music Teacher” image=”10858″ facebook=”#” twitter=”#” google=”#” linkedin=”#” class=”alter”]Discussion about the latest trends in the web and app design[/dt_sc_team]

Thus Spoke the Parents
